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An Ocean Divides Us

An ocean so peaceful separates us. The divide between us seems so great but it is really so small. What is it that separates us? Is it space? Is it time? Is it our cultural differences? None of these things seem important when a child cannot go to school. When there are injustices and inequities which make the divide so much greater than it is. Why is it that children in America can go to school freely without without the worry of additional expenses? Why is it that children in Ghana have to worry about paying for things within a free education system? When free isn't free the children in Ghana suffer. It's hard for Americans to fathom that even within a free education system the children in Ghana still have to pay for uniforms, for books, and even desks. Children in America don't have to worry because they know their parents will pay for these things and that their parents can afford to pay for these things. But for children in Ghana this is a very real worry because their parents may not be able to afford these things. This means children wouldn't be able to go to school or continue their education. Together we can change the story of the lives of children in Ghana. SEA is dedicated to supporting students in Ghana by providing tuition assistance, books, and uniforms, so they can continue their education free from worry. Will you partner with us to bridge this divide?

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